Tuesday 4 September 2007
At last -.- I've retrived my pass.

Teachers Day
Busy! Being an emcee isn't a good thing. I think it turn out well? maybe 90%.

3 days 2 night camp ( fri-sun) with trybe
Fun! Enjoyable but at times, it's quite boring when you have free time, you do not know what to do. I'm in group 2 ( obi12kasmarties). Most of the time, we're quiet but I felt that we did pretty well in the "amazing race".

Cristy and Diana
Hmm thanks for your efforts and enthusiasm. The team really appreciated it!

Thanks for making a cup of milo for me=) Erm he's funny, creative and Friendly,etc etc etc. Thanks for everything!

Though you're busy at times, you still join us. Thank you!

Thank you! you've guided us most of the time especially the " amazing race". Though you had a sore eye and I think it was really bad, you still joined us till the very end. thank you. Oh ya, and the tibits and drinks that you had bought for the team.

Thoughtful! Thanks for running with us. I had forgotten what i wanna say. Anyways, Thanks!

To other facilitators
Thank you! For spending your time with us!

Your Life Path Number is 1

Your purpose in life is to lead others.

You have great drive and determination. Nothing is going to stand in your way.

You seek out challenges and the spotlight. You'll take all the work - and all the glory.

Status and success are important to you. You demand the best from everyone and everything.

In love, you tend to take a protective role. You enjoy being the provider in relationships.

You expect others to be like you, and as a result, you are often disappointed.

A little selfish and vain, you always put yourself first.

Remember, everyone already knows you're great - you don't need to remind them!

What Is Your Life Path Number?

spoke at : 9/04/2007 08:53:00 am

Sunday 22 July 2007

You Should Paint Your Room Blue

Peaceful and soothing, blue rooms have been known to reduce blood pressure.

Your blue room will encourage deep rest and great sleep.

A blue room is the perfect oasis for a stressful life.

What Color Should You Paint Your Room?

I don't have high blood pressure -.-

What Your Sleeping Position Says

You are confident and ready to tackle life.

You are pretty vain and happy with your physical appearance.

You are born to be the center of attention, and you're unhappy on the sidelines.

You're always up for trying something new - in and out of bed!

If you don't get enough sleep, you: Look like hell

It's hard to sleep next to you because: You toss and turn all night

What Does Your Sleeping Position Say About You?

Your Hidden Talent

You have the power to persuade and influence others.

You're the type of person who can turn a whole room around.

The potential for great leadership is there, as long as you don't abuse it.

Always remember, you have a lot more power over people than you might think!

What's Your Hidden Talent?

Your Interpersonal Intelligence Score: 91%

Your Interpersonal Intelligence is Very High

You go beyond being a "people person." Connecting with people is the most important thing in your life.

You're empathetic, friendly, and outgoing. You are the kind of friend people dream of having.

Your interpersonal intelligence is a gift. And you use it well.

How Does Your Interpersonal Intelligence Rate?

I don't think i'm outgoing at times..

You Are the Index Finger

You are ambitious, driven, and capable.

You aren't afraid to take responsibility for your actions - or place the blame on whoever deserves it.

You are honest, free thinking, and objective. You see things in your own way - and you aren't afraid to let everyone know about it.

You get along well with: The Thumb

Stay away from: The Ring Finger

What Finger Are You?

The Keys to Your Heart

You are attracted to obedience and warmth.

In love, you feel the most alive when your lover is creative and never lets you feel bored.

You'd like to your lover to think you are loyal and faithful... that you'll never change.

You would be forced to break up with someone who was emotional, moody, and difficult to please.

Your ideal relationship is lasting. You want a relationship that looks to the future... one you can grow with.

Your risk of cheating is zero. You care about society and morality. You would never break a commitment.

You think of marriage something you've always wanted... though you haven't really thought about it.

In this moment, you think of love as something you thirst for. You'll do anything for love, but you won't fall for it easily.

What Are The Keys To Your Heart?

hmm commitments? difficult

spoke at : 7/22/2007 12:49:00 am

Saturday 21 July 2007
Had been busy lately
no time..
Alright a full report =)

China students from beijing came on Wed morning for 2 weeks(exchange prog)
Rather anxious at first
Was eargely waiting to find out who's my buddy?
Then I've got to know him, very nice person.. smart and handsome oh ya very hardworking!
He bought a A math textbook and a science textbook
He said, he will go back home and do those questions. wow! i mean it..

English lesson..
Cosmix.. asked to borrow a book from NLB
Ezzati's buddy..
told my buddy, I looked like a korean -.-
Some of the student buddies including me went chalet with them
they were so glad??
my buddy YAY-ed.
Had lots of fun? They were very funny at times
Had a small gathering/talk together
hmm 4 china students,a china teacher(cant rmb his name), qing hui, frances,me.
Within 30mins, Mr ng,mrs lee, mr lathif , mr lok joined us
my buddy showed his 'magical' skills
Ezzati's buddy, showed us her "jumping toothpick"?
Her friend, played with the Coloured Cube( 9 sqaures on each side)
needa memorised the 100+ formulas..
Best record, less than a min?

Got to know some of their level rankings and total points
my buddy.. 50th position.. 513/570 for overall
1st position.. 540+ for overall
Was like.. WHAT?!

Woke up around 5.30am?
We had breakfast with them..
Reached school..
Hmm my buddy, meng ze, got lots of attention?
haha a crowd was formed
when he performed magic tricks

Hmm through this experience, it really broaded my mind in every aspect?
They're very nice people
I miss them already..
Want to stay there, i won't mind =D
Will cherish these few days..

would rather have friends like them.. than to have some friends who doesnt know how to understand one another..
Can't they just put themselves into each other's shoes?
hmm nope.. I don't think there will be a change..
I miss them than some friends in canberra


spoke at : 7/21/2007 11:40:00 pm

Tuesday 17 July 2007

Your EQ is 167

50 or less: Thanks for answering honestly. Now get yourself a shrink, quick!

51-70: When it comes to understanding human emotions, you'd have better luck understanding Chinese.

71-90: You've got more emotional intelligence than the average frat boy. Barely.

91-110: You're average. It's easy to predict how you'll react to things. But anyone could have guessed that.

111-130: You usually have it going on emotionally, but roadblocks tend to land you on your butt.

131-150: You are remarkable when it comes to relating with others. Only the biggest losers get under your skin.

150+: Two possibilities - you've either out "Dr. Phil-ed" Dr. Phil... or you're a dirty liar.

What's Your EQ (Emotional Intelligence Quotient)?

spoke at : 7/17/2007 09:25:00 pm

Friday 13 July 2007
I'm drained
Hectic schedule..
Though you guys do see me going online on certain days
it's for me to rest and calm down?
Being a leader, it's so tiring
Need to tolerate those who had affected me
Need to pay the remaining $$$ to teacher..
Need to mass sms to class/badminton team for important annoucements/training days
Can I put my 'things' down and lead a carefree life?
Cant? I'm called by God..

Went to Prebyterian High School today..
To witness their grand occasion(big day)
Was guided and led us to the library
Shook hands with them and oh ya
this guy from St Andrews.. He shook so hard that my arm hit the table! Everyone laughed..
What can I say?
Grand,nicely done, Well done! =)
Their sec 1s and 2s are so united! Serious!
Their councillors are much more committed! and I'm serious too!

Lewis was up to something after the investiture!
Tonnes of homework to be completed..

spoke at : 7/13/2007 11:24:00 pm

Wednesday 11 July 2007
Wednesday =)
Today is Wednesday -.-! Take a short while to blog
alright alright
HAte this day..
Had briefing/meeting for the exchange programme with beijing school
19 students selected
They're coming to our sch next week??
Rather nervous.. =)
Went for cca at Nee Soon South CC..
Was late, cos of briefing/meeting

Class was so quiet today!
8 councilors went for sec 2 camp
36-8=28 pupils only
We had our 2nd chemistry SPA practice
this time round, we burnt Magnesium
Supposed to burn it with a small little white pot + small cover
Not sure what happened
was asked to take the magnesium out
cut it into 2-4 pieces
burn it and it 'burns' with super bright light
put into the small little container and cover it
Was told that if we looked into the 'bright light'
we will turn blind for 1min =.=!

Wanted to do my devotion yesterday night
Was dead beat
Fall asleep without knowing..

Love disturbing Amirul!
oh ya, and jeremy =)

Had not been practicing on my guitar or should i say I've not touched the guitar for ages..

Cya, homework time..
O lord, I'm weak..
Miracles in Singapore is too little..

spoke at : 7/11/2007 06:35:00 pm

Saturday 7 July 2007
Short post! =D
NEed to rush to church..
For MISAIT practice and bs..

Had training..
Had fun.. =)!
threw shutters for kenneth,Malo?, sydney,sijie and Yvonne?
Enjoyed myself tricking them ^^
oh ya, the three of them are the laughing queens..
Kept laughing -.-!!!

Alright CHURCH!
Back later at around 8.40pm..
cya guys =D

spoke at : 7/07/2007 01:50:00 pm

Friday 6 July 2007
Short post =)!
Had been feeling weary..
Had been doing Compositions for the past few days.. BORING!

Hope SS collaboration will be a fruitful one..

Was 'chased out' by a teacher
Cosmix was then being occupied by other pupils from other schools
Went to study corner with Zhihui and Cheeleong..
Studied.. Ms lim was there.. then..

Mr Lathif and Ms Koh came
Mr lathif: Wa today's weather is so hot!
Ms Koh: Why all doing maths? NO CHEMISTRY.......?!
We laughed..
Hmm Ms koh is funny at times =)

Training tomorrow..
A daily routine ..

Today's lessons were rather 'dry' in a sense..
6 periods..
Bad weather..
Everyone looked so bored and restless..
The timetable is at fault..

Goodnight guys
don fall off from your.... Bed!
btw, All the best Leon =D!!!!

spoke at : 7/06/2007 08:34:00 pm

Monday 2 July 2007
Stay focus!
Had lots of weird thoughts recently
one of them is, getting F9s for physics, chemistry, A math, E math for 'o'lvls?
ok would just summarize everything .....

1) badminton training(sat), quite tiring?
2) Bus driver.. Use vulgar languages?
3) wellington pri sch's open house.. quite boring? didnt see anyone familiar.. weather was scorching hot..
4) Went to Evangel family church with leon.. 'jump of my seat' when the speaker suddenly shouted.. Leon almost fall asleep? and commented about the speaker/pastor..shall not go into that =D
5) Library debts are cleared =) woohoo! after all these years, i can finally borrow a book
6) Transformers is a must watch? With its compelling trailers and graphics, your jaws will drop =D!

Love going to school..
Hmm finally.. Ms Ng is starting on the Nazis tomorrow..

Lastly, not gonna fall into any of their 'traps'.. Study!

good night guys
dont fall off from your bed!
published post!
China, world's growing fastest economy.....

spoke at : 7/02/2007 07:22:00 pm

Monday 25 June 2007
hmm had been thinking about the past happenings..
Broke down.. as in down not cry..
Why.. cant i live a victorious life?

had Not been committed in some of the church areas..

Went out yesterday.. happened to borrow this book
"I want to be in your will, not in your way"
"Fear is a poor chisel to caste out your tomorrows..Looking at your future from a position of fear = inaccurate and distorted.."
"Faith is a powerful force that creates positive circumstances"
"Be grateful for what u have not sorry for what you dont have"

Sch reopened..
Looked forward to it!
Physics, went through our 'O' level Physics(SPA) mistakes..
hmm Cant accept the fact that there will be A maths,E maths,Phy and chem on Weds?
School bag will be like the shape of a tortoise shell?
Badminton training, some things just went wrong.. Got lectured..
Tire out..

In a midst of confusion.. sigh!

Published post!


spoke at : 6/25/2007 08:29:00 pm

Saturday 23 June 2007
Back from WorshipMusicDance camp =)
2 more days! school!
looking forward to it yea
Camp was quite fun?
The speaker, Andrew Yeo..
Funny, Anointed? Powerful in a sense that the words he spoke?
But yea it's through god that moulds him into such a successful person..
Had difficulty sleeping
Due to the hardness of the floor
AND, the air-conditioners?
3 air-conditioners were switched on in a "room" measuring approx 10-15m by 3-5m?
Woke up a few times..
Turned frozen solid? XD

Went for Badminton team gathering?
was an enjoyable one? =D
Im sorry for those who did not eat enough to full their tummy?/ or people who were wating eagerly for the food which bore u guys out..
Hmm? thank you JSJ, weiren, jeremy, weiheng and jisiong?? for helping
Lastly, everyone =D Mr yip and Mr Lok too

"published post"!

spoke at : 6/23/2007 10:02:00 pm

Tuesday 19 June 2007
I'm asked to write =) so had no choice?
Short post! =)
Had badminton training today, but the hall was being occupied by the graduating classes for their studies?
Had Theory instead..
Supposed to give a wakeup call to weiren at 7am+-8am? called him at 8.50am.. -.-!
9.10am.. Mr lok was still on his way to sch?
The guys including myself played erm.. catching? =)
Had fun.. yet tiring
9.30am.. Asked us to run 4.2km..
Just finished our running and sprinting from our catching and 4.2km is still a must?
Most of us walked ? we were lazy eh..
Haikal is fast.. Really fast..
Thought he was done with his running.. Saw him down the running track
Found out why( still walking).. Reason being, he saw a dog? along the Running track
Asked jisiong to accompany him while running lol
Theory ended, blablabla..
5.05pm.. Realised that my bros were eating their lunch -.-!
To Be Continued Below... hehehe

allright.. Done
End. sorry im bored =D

spoke at : 6/19/2007 07:05:00 pm

Monday 18 June 2007
Just had my hair cut..
hmm like a mushroom? =D
The barber's actions were hilarious eh, the way he combed my hair, was laughing deep inside..
Went with my hair messy..
when he starts to comb, he needs to do it thoroughly.. why?
hehe because the comb will kind of stuck.. in my hair?
that is how messy my hair was
when he combed to the left, my head will sway to the left
when he combed at the back of my hair, my head will yup u know...
Laughed at me..
He then combed again, this time.. the combed dropped.
Used alot of force on the comb to "overcome the obstacles" =D
Laughed at him back =)
Accompanied my bro to popular to buy his books
Saw Mr Lok with three indian guys?
That's all for today..

cya guys
7 more days!

spoke at : 6/18/2007 04:27:00 pm

Sunday 17 June 2007
Officially open! =)
Allright.. Blog is officially open! hehe

Thanks to Jasline and Yokelin =) tyty
Allright dinner time.. 11.30pm -.-!
Do forgive me.. When it comes to writing and all these stuffs... Quite new to it.

Bye gdnight guys..

Create your own Friend Test here

spoke at : 6/17/2007 11:25:00 pm


Aaron Ang ;
3e2'o7 ;
23rd feb 92 ;
Canberra Sec ;
badminton! ;
God's child ;
Black! ;



June 2007
July 2007
September 2007



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